Today is Thursday and I went to RIIIIDIIINGG today!!! Hoorah! And guess who I rode?!
I know what your thinking...
Who is Princess??? (unless you go to my barn and then you ROCK!)
Princess is an AMAZAZING tiny white pony who is kinda new and had a tiny rearing incident but now she's mostly alllll better and she's supercalifragilisticexpialidociously awesome! :D
Okay, so I haven't actually talked about formal yet, so I'm gonna. Hahahahaha I know what the formal theme is! Do you wanna know? Oh well I'm not telling.
Me and Jordan and Paigey got our dresses. But I can't tell where. Haha I have a lot of secrets. I have to add them to my secret collection. Sooooo... my dress is sparkly and purple! I <3 it!
Okay, I'm done now. See ya l8r allig8r!! Hahahahaha!
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