The Flying Chimp!!!

The Flying Chimp!!!
watch as he gracefully soars through the sky!

Baby Flash!

Baby Flash!
The most amazing colt ever! (Flash) and Ruby, his mommy! Click the picture to see where he lives!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


(This is the logo for SILHOUETTE STABLES where I ride, yo!)

Today is Thursday and I went to RIIIIDIIINGG today!!! Hoorah! And guess who I rode?!
I know what your thinking...
Who is Princess??? (unless you go to my barn and then you ROCK!)

Princess is an AMAZAZING tiny white pony who is kinda new and had a tiny rearing incident but now she's mostly alllll better and she's supercalifragilisticexpialidociously awesome! :D

Okay, so I haven't actually talked about formal yet, so I'm gonna. Hahahahaha I know what the formal theme is! Do you wanna know? Oh well I'm not telling.
Me and Jordan and Paigey got our dresses. But I can't tell where. Haha I have a lot of secrets. I have to add them to my secret collection. Sooooo... my dress is sparkly and purple! I <3 it!
Okay, I'm done now. See ya l8r allig8r!! Hahahahaha!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Yello!!! (which is supposed to be like HELLO but its YELLO!) AAH!

Aloha aloha aloha.
I luv saying aloha!!!!
Wowzers...I haven't written anything in like forevah! But ya know what?! I DON'T CARE! Oh snap.
Here is my picture:

It says Peace Love Kangaroos!! (duh)
Ooh, I wanna word of the day!!!
Todays superspectacular, wonderifical, fundooperlus word of the day is *drumroll*....
meaning: in complete agreement!!!

wasn't that amazazing??? ok...aloha....that can mean hello AND goodbye! AAAH!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Well, dentists, fonts and poll results!!!

Eww. I have a dentist appointment today.
That means I have to go in and get my teeth poked at and cleaned and then get free toothpaste! Goodie! But I still have 3hrs and 40 minutes with my nice dirty teeth.
Just teeth are bootiful!
But still, who likes going to the dentist?
There aren't very many font options...
THIS ONE that says THIS ONE too
Oh!!! I almost forgot the poll results...
Jacob: 2
Jasper: 1
Everyone else: 0
So obviously, Jacob is the winner.... even though only three people of them being moi...
but whatever!
Alright, so that's all for today....
End Transmission!!!! :P

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Hola people of the world...

I like Arial. It's kinda boring, but it's really round. I like the roundness of it!!! Being round is coolio...but being square is nimbobic. But a lot of things are more nimbobic than being square. Like...sexist people. (just in case you were wondering, being sexist means you discriminate because of gender)...and um...animal abusers...and global warming...and Edward...


hmm...Oh yeah, Candy. Wellllll...candy candy is good (especially Milky Ways or Trix...Snickers are good too), but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a horse. Her name is Candy. She's amazazing. I rode her today. Wow, I just realized I used kindergarten sentences! Greeeeaaaat....

Anyway, she's part Andalusian I think, which is a breed of horse. Her and her pal Ziggy came from Florida!!! They're gorgeous...Candy's a bay and Ziggy is champagne colored.... They're not mine (sadly), they're my neighbors.


Today is Sunday. That stinks, because it means I have to go back to school tomorrow. And endure two CRES's (how do you say that?!) for Math and Health. Ughness. I'm gonna post this now and enjoy the rest of my wonder-iferous life!!! :D

This needs a picture


this is something some satellite took a picture of in space!! and it's pretty! and also cool that it actually exists...

Friday, January 2, 2009


Yesterday I went hiking...

a lot of people think hiking is boring, because all you do is walk around and look at trees and stuff...
hiking can be fun...especially if you sing and shout loudly...or if you throw a stick at your friend and say "I'm sorry I threw a stick at you"....or if you go out with a huge rock you find on the trail...or if you climb up a huge boulder and get trapped by a wall of thorns...or if you listen to country music on the way home and discover 3 amazazing secret songs!!!...or eat like a buzillion pieces of gum...
